It has been awhile since last I posted.  So much has happened.  We have traveled to Little Rock and back, to spend some much needed time with my family.  It was a wonderful trip.  Gage took his frist trip to the zoo while in Little Rock, where we experienced what can only be described as "Africa hot" like conditions.  We also went to Arkansas Children's Hospital where we met Dr. Schaefer, a Geneticist and Endocrinologist.  He has seen other boys with 48 and it was nice to get a well informed second opinion.  He told me first of all and most importantly to not believe everything doctors say - this is a spectrum syndrome, i.e. it has a wide range of severity.  Each case is different, each child unique and this means that the future will be hard to predict.  Then he hit me with news I found hard to digest - he has never seen a 48'er go on to live independently.  Even before I was married or had a child, I use to worry about the future - so now having heard this news, you can only imagine how distraught I was, even though Gage is only 18 months old!  I am learning to live one day at a time and just let the future be what it is - unknown to us all.  On a more positive note Gage now know three different signs, "more," "all done or finished," and "eat."  We are working on "please,"  he has a little trouble with placing his hand on his chest but, he'll get it soon enough.  He is still not walking but, I did discover today that he can stand on his own, not holding on to anything or anyone - he is just really scared too.  As soon as he realizes what he is doing he panics and tips himself forward.  He can walk, I know it, it's now up to Gage to decide to do it.  His therapist also agree with me that Gage can walk as soon as he gets up the courage, that's the only thing holding him back.  He is still the sweetest, most loving little boy and I am so blessed that God chose me to be his mommy!   


    My name is Lauren.  At the time of typing this I am 27 years old.  I am married to a wonderful man who is currently employed by the United States Air Force.  Together we have one child, Gage, to whom this site is deicated.  Gage has an older half-sister, Halle, by my husband's first marriage.  I am currently a stay at home mother, but am making plans to finish my degree. 


    September 2010
    July 2010
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